See information about the Catch-Up dances below ... AND ... about the TWO STEP WORKSHOP OCTOBER 14TH!
Dance Classes
We teach Patterned and Lead & Follow Dance Styles
Patterned Style
Line and Flow dances are considered Patterned Style
because the steps are choreographed in a pattern that is
repeated throughout the length of the song.
Line dances are danced without a partner, usually in lines on the dance floor.
Flow dances are danced with or without a partner, usually in a circle.
We teach Patterned Style dances at the Wednesday night dance at 7:30pm.
The dance begins at 7pm (doors open at 6:30) and costs
$5 for non-members, or $3 for PLDC members.
Once you have paid the entry fee, the Lesson Is Free!
The instructor will teach the Dance the first week and Review the dance the following week.
This gives everyone 2 chances to learn the dance if they miss one of the weeks.
The instructor schedule for the Line and Flow Lessons is on the Newsletter Page,
Lead & Follow Dance Styles
Lead & Follow styles are always danced as a couple.
There is a Leader and a Follower.
Examples are: Two Step, Waltz, Swing, ChaCha, Nightclub Two, etc.
Instead of a choreographer creating the dance,
the Leader and Follower learn basic to advanced turns.
It is then up to the Leader to decide which turns he/she wants to group together,
and then to lead his Follower through those turns.
Instead of seeing 3 or 4 lines of dancers going through the same steps
on the dance floor, an observer will see several couples dancing around the outside of the dance floor with each couple executing a
variety of different turns and patterns.
The lead and follow connection between the dancers is as much a part
of the lesson as the turns are -- possibly more!
This connection takes a while to develop for the Leader and the Follower.
Lead & Follow Lessons are taught in Saturday Workshop Format:
Workshop Schedule
9:30 - 10:15am: Beginner Basic & 1 Turn
10:30 - 11:15am: 2 or 3 Add'l Beginner Turns
11:15 - 12noon: Practice/Lunch, bring a sack lunch
12 - 12:45pm: Intermediate Cluster - Part I
1 - 1:45pm: Intermediate Cluster - Part II
1:45 - 2:30pm: Practice and Extra Help
Lead & Follow Classes are $60 per couple (FREE for PLDC members)
Attendees are considered "Students" and are allowed to attend Wed & Fri
dances at PLDC for the Member cost of $3 per person per dance (instead of $5) for a period of 4 weeks after the Lead & Follow Class.
This is to encourage the couple to practice what they have learned
which is very important -- Use it or lose it!
These classes are held between September and February.
The Two Step workshop scheduled for October 14th has been cancelled due to a lack of students. Watch for future workshop offerings.
Call/Text Suzi: 217-413-8646 if you plan on attending.
Saturday Workshop -- Please arrive by 9am to fill out paperwork.
Class begins promptly at 9:30am -- bring a sack lunch.
We have a microwave and refrigerator/freezer if needed.