PLDC Bootnotes
Prairie Land Dance Club
Currently Has No Schedule Changes.
Drive Carefully and Stay Safe!
Dances Every Week on
Wed & Fri 7:30pm
Wednesdays are Free Lesson Nights
(Lesson Free w/pd admission)
Free Patterned Dance
Lesson Schedule:
Aug 7 - Mike's Review
Aug 14 & 21 - Gary & Connie
Aug 28 & 4 - Suzi
Sept 11 & 16 - TBA
Check out the
Event Page
for more info on the
Young Dance Inc
dances scheduled!
Sept 7th - Oct 5th (w/Costumes!)
and December 28th with
Rosie & the Rivets Band!
Thank you Jon Young
for hosting these dances!!
Dorothy's still recovering, so let's send her some cards! Contact Suzi (text 217-413-8646 for address).
If you have information about someone needing a get well card, or some extra hugs and prayers,
please call/text Suzi 217-413-8646 and she will
pass the info on to Sharon or Julia. Thank you!
Exciting News
We have much to be thankful for at PLDC.
Our Money Market Account is growing thanks to the AC Fundraisers, but also thanks to Interest Income!
That's a rare thing
these days!
The March interest
deposit was $57.80
Now that's a reason to kick
up our heels!!
Another thing to give thanks for is that our checking account is very
healthy as well.
Thank you Members and Guests alike for supporting your dance club!!
Yet Another Thing to celebrate is that we have
two NEW DJs!
Thanks to
Cheryl S. & Gary M.
for training with Patty and becoming PLDC DJs!! When you see them, don't forget to thank them.
Here's Another Thankful Thing ...
!! We have two NEW Instructors,
Robyn S & Mike R !!
They will teach line danes and
we are so thrilled to add them
to the Instructor list !!
Thank you to All our Instructors !!
Sometime Soon
I hope to be able to thank
the person or persons
who step forward to be our
4th cleaner group!
We currently have 3 groups,
the Serras - Gipsons - Morrows,
and we need one more
to round out the month.
Once a month you would
clean the bathrooms and dry mop the floor.
It takes two people less than
30 minutes to complete these duties.
Come out to dance about
30 minutes early to get it done,
if you like
so an additional trip to the club
is not necessary.
If you, or you and a friend,
would like to volunteer, please let Suzi M know.
It's nice to have clean bathrooms and dance floor!
State Fair Demo is coming up in August.
We are dancing on
Saturday Aug 17th
from 6-7pm at the
Village of Cultures!
(they give us
FREE admission and
a parking ticket!! Woot!!)
Everyone is Welcome,
not just members.
Come out and let
everyone see
how muh fun we have!!
(Let Sharon G, Suzi M, or Patty M know
if you'd like to dance!)
PLDC has a team of dancers who perform dance demonstrations for the public, such as nursing facilities, local fairs, the Il State Fair,
company parties & private events.
Everyone is invited to join in: members,
non-members, and all levels of dancers from
beginner to experienced!
If you are interested in joining the Demo group, contact Sharon G, Patty M, or Suzi M.
Thank you to all the demo dancers for helping PLDC let the world know about the
club and country dancing!
PLDC Membership is $35/year per person.
Member door fee is $3 instead of $5,
All PLDC classes & lessons
are FREE for
PLDC members.
Ask the door person for the Membership Form if you'd like to
join the Club.
There are no fundraisers
Currently Planned
so ideas are welcomed!
Send your ideas to
any Officer,
Suzi Morrow,
Bob Gipson,
Pam Hinds,
Tom Serra,
or Sharon Gipson
AC Fundraising Total to date:
Our new goal is $20,000.
The proceeds from
Young Dance Inc dances
will be applied to the
AC Fund.
© 2021 by Prairie Land Dance Club.
Proudly created with