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PLDC Bootnotes 

Prairie Land Dance Club

Check This Spot for last minute schedule changes:

Due to the forcast of icy roads,

PLDC will be closed tonight,

Wednesday February 12th.

Stay Safe!


Volunteer Job Openings:

Check in desk: 6:30 - 7:30ish


Sign folks in - collect door fee

You get in FREE when you work.

DJ - Patty will teach you!

You get in FREE when you work.

Cleaner - one week / month

Takes about 30 minutes.

Dry mop dance floor

Clean bathrooms

Contact Suzi, Patty, or Sharon G

if interested!



Dances Every Week on 
Wed & Fri 7:30pm
Wednesdays are Free Lesson Nights
(Lesson Free w/pd admission)
Free Patterned Dance
Lesson Schedule:

Your Volunteer Instructors:

Jan 1 & 8 - Suzi - Review Rhumba & Roses

Jan 15 & 22 - Suzi - Teach/Review Love's Gonna Make It

Jan 29 & Feb 5 - Robyn

Feb 12 & 19 - Patty

Feb 26 & Mar 5 - Robyn​

Check out the
Event Page

for more event info 




DeWayne Crawford passed away early in October. He and wife Carolyn were instructors and were instrumental in forming Prairie Land Dance Club. Without the Crawfords and the other 5 couples that formed the club and secured the loan to purchase the building, we would not have our wonderful club. DeWayne was a very special person and will be missed terribly.

We have several PL friends to keep in our prayers:
>> Gary M has been ill with pneumonia. I hope to have an update on his condition soon.

>> Les and Suzi are recovering from a wayward virus (not covid or the flu according to physician testing). We are slowly getting better but Mr. Cough is being stubborn. 
Sandra and Marlon have also been ill and hopefully they are recovering well too!


Of course, Dorothy would enjoy more notes and letters! Contact Suzi (text 217-413-8646)for address.


If you have information about someone needing a get well card, or some extra hugs and prayers, please call/text Suzi 217-413-8646 and she will pass the info on to Sharon or Julia. Thank you! 



PLDC has a team of dancers who perform dance demonstrations for the public, such as nursing facilities,
local fairs, the Il State Fair,

company parties & private events.

Everyone is invited to join in: members,

non-members, and all levels of dancers from

beginner to experienced! 

If you are interested in joining the Demo group,
Contact Sharon G, Patty M, or Suzi M.

Thank you to all the demo dancers for helping PLDC let the world know about the

club and country dancing!



PLDC Membership is $35/year per person.

Member door fee is $3 instead of $5,

All PLDC classes & lessons
are FREE for
PLDC members.

Ask the door person for the Membership Form if you'd like to
join the Club.


There are no fundraisers 

Currently Planned

so ideas are welcomed!

Send your ideas to
any Officer,

Suzi Morrow,
Bob Gipson,
Pam Hinds,
Tom Serra,
or Sharon Gipson

AC Fundraising Total to date:

Our new goal is $20,000. 

The proceeds from

Young Dance Inc dances

will be applied to the

AC Fund.


© 2021 by Prairie Land Dance Club.
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© 2021 by Prairie Land Dance Club. Proudly created with

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